The Number 1729 (Source: Wikipedia (1729))
Which Indian immortalised the number 1729?
Kubera. Northern India. 10th century. Sandstone. (Source: Wikipedia (Kubera))
Kubera, Gandharva, Shakuntala, Garuda and .. South Korea. What gives?
Lanchester Car Sculpture (Source: Wikipedia (Lanchester))
Birmingham Small Arms has a unique connection with India and tenuously also connects the Murugappa group to the Tatas.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee meeting Nawaz Sharif (Source: Outlook (Vajpayee, Sharif; Prashant Panjiar))
Did you know that Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif were jointly honoured in 1998 for their efforts in promoting peace?
Atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 (Source: Wikipedia (Nagasaki Bomb))
What links the Bhagavad Gita and the Atomic Bomb?
Asterix (Source: Wikipedia (Asterix))
Did you know that the classic comic series, Asterix, has been translated into Hindi and Bengali?

Quotable quotes

Barbarous Indian and shrill Western music

In what perfection [Indian] music stands (as I am no competent judge), I could never give my ears the trouble to examine, it seeming loud and barbarous; yet they observe time and measure in their singing and dancing, and are mightily delighted with their tumbling and noise. They as much dislike our shriller music, hardly allowing our waits fit to play to bears, and our stringed instruments strike not their hard-to-be-raised fancies; but our organs are the music of the spheres with them, charming them to listen as long as they play.

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