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The Colour Orange (Source: Serendip)
A Norange hypocrisy: Did you know that the fruit and the colour have their roots in our humble corner of the world?
Easter Island Moai (Source: HowStuffWorks (Easter Island Statues))
Often cited as the remotest place on Earth, how is Easter Island linked to India?
Have you heard of Roger Dowler, knighted gent and a Nabob of India?

Did you know?

Belur and brilliant beryls

The name of the gemstone, beryl, probably originates from the Prakrit veruliya and Sanskrit vaidurya- which might be of Dravidian provenance. One theory points its source to the city of Velur (modern Belur, Karnataka). Derivatives such as brilliant and beryllium share these origins.


The word gymkhana is derived from the Hindi gend-khana (ball-house), but altered due to its association with and influence of the word, gymnasium.