Some Indian languages have chosen to name the planet Neptune, Varun, after the Hindu/Vedic god of water/rain/ocean. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and named after the Roman god of the sea.
Some Indian languages have chosen to name the planet Neptune, Varun, after the Hindu/Vedic god of water/rain/ocean. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and named after the Roman god of the sea.
Many Indian languages have chosen to name the "planet" Pluto, Yama, after the Hindu god of death. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and named after the Greek god of the underworld/afterlife.
The Baba in The Who's Baba O'Riley comes from Meher Baba, an Indian mystic whose followers included guitarist, Pete Townshend.
The next time you spray yourself with a musk-based fragrance, you might want to remember that the word musk comes from the Sanskrit word, muṣká (मुष्क) meaning testicle.
Badminton has its beginnings in 18th century India. The game was initially known as Poona as it was particularly popular in that British garrison town.
Shores of Silence: Whale Sharks in India, a documentary by Mike Pandey, led to the whale shark being declared an endangered species in India and a ban on their fishing.
In Persia/Iran, a crore (korur) was equivalent to 500,000 (5 lakhs) rather than 10,000,000 (100 lakhs).
India's population in 2012 is the same as the entire planet's estimated population in 1850 of around 1.25 billion people.