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british india

Adolf Hitler (1933) (Source: Wikipedia)
Which movie, set in India, was Hitler's favourite?
The dickey of a 1955 Hudson Rambler (Source: Wikipedia)
What the hell is a 'dickey' anyway?
Portrait of Elihu Yale by Enoch Seeman the Younger, 1717 (Source: Wikipedia)
Yale, the Ivy League university, might not have existed if it wasn't for India.
Lala Lajpat Rai '04 (Source: Motivational India (Lala Lajpat Rai))
How is famed freedom fighter, Lala Lajpat Rai, connected to the Indian banking system?
First page of 'The Arctic Home in the Vedas' 1925 Edition (Source: Wikipedia)
Did you know that Lokmanya Tilak believed that the original home of Aryans was the North Pole?
Pakistan Declaration (Source: Wikipedia)
Pakistan is an acronym coined in 1932 in Cambridge

Did you know?

Free Tamil OC

The Tamil slang for something free of charge, oasi, is derived from the abbreviation, OC, which expands to On Company's Service. The company in question was the British East India Company which stamped its official mail with these letters to avoid having to pay postage.


Ledikeni, a Gulab Jamun-like Bengali sweet, was named after Lady Canning, the popular wife of Governor General Canning. It is apparently a slightly larger version of the Pantua.